Mauritius or paradise

Mauritius or paradise 13 days at sea… that’s how long it took us to sail from Cape Town, South Africa to Cochin, India. Which in the grand scheme of things doesn’t seem too bad, but when you live on a ship for an entire semester you start to crave days where you see land.   […]

A South African adventure

A South African Adventure When I think about South Africa, only one word comes to mind…. Adventure. For many of my shipmates aboard the M.V. World Odyssey, South Africa was a port favorite. Despite the lingering post-Apartheid issues South Africa is dealing with, the country itself is beautiful; the endless wineries, big 5 safaris, […]

Ghana remember this place

From the second I stepped off of the MV World Odyssey, I experienced a bigger culture shock than I ever could have imagined; it was my most memorable experience and out of the five countries I have been to so far on this trip.