Welcome everyone- my name is Liv!

I don’t have some grand story about how I quit my dream job to start traveling; I’m just a 90’s kid who graduated college and decided to pursue my goal of traveling the world. After I got my degree, I applied to be a flight attendant and have been flying the friendly skies ever since. 

A little bit about me:

I was born and raised in small-town Pennsylvania; I love reading, photography, and making memories with the people I love the most. 

Growing up, the farthest we traveled was the beach once a year for our annual family vacation. For as long as I can remember, I dreamed about traveling out of the country, experiencing new cultures, getting out of my comfort zone… I guess I’m different than my family that way.

I began following the path I was supposed to take: I played lacrosse in college, earned a Bachelor’s degree in communication studies, graduated with honors. But somewhere along the way, I studied abroad and fell in love with traveling.

How my journey started/how it’s going:

My sophomore year of college my public relations professor approached me after class and told me she thought I’d be the perfect fit for the study abroad program she taught at three separate times during her career. She handed me a letter of recommendation two days later, I applied the next week, and was accepted a month after. 

Before I knew it, it was the Fall of my senior year and I was on a ship traveling around the world. Semester at Sea gave me the opportunity to travel to 12 different countries and 4 continents. I was, still am, in complete awe of everything experienced.  

After returning in December of 2018 and graduating a semester early, I decided a 9-5 job might not be it for me right now. I applied for a flight attendant job and earned my wings in April 2019. 

I haven’t looked back since.